Hi friends! It has been a long time since this blog was up dated last. That doesn't mean that the struggle has finished. No, we were busy trying to use other means to inform the community. We are back, now!
Since we last posted here there have been so many developments. There was a change of Minister of Public Safety in Canada, Bill C-31 which introduced changes in the immigration law passed, a delegate from the minister of immigration made a non-sense decision, CBSA tried to enforce the deportation order, a sanctuary claim was made at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church, the federal court decided to grant leave for the judicial review, also the federal court granted an emergency stay of the deportation motion, immigration failed to comply with an order from the federal court and delayed the process of the judicial review, we filed an application to the minister of public safety for a certificate stating that Jose's name is not in the list of entities, so many events!! Finally the federal court has given dates for the judicial review and a mandamus writ on May 26 and July 2nd respectively.
Last Friday we successfully raised a little over $1200.00 for the continuance of the We are Jose Campaign and to be able to afford the payment of lawyers....
Despite the fact that we are still struggling. We are satisfied that things are moving forward at our end. On May 26th we will have another opportunity to get us closer to solution with the different legal venues that still are available. We need your help to spread the word. Please visit our web site www.wearejose.org . There are many ways you can be part of this struggle for justice. A couple of days ago, the following fund raising site went live. (click here) and it will be great if we could count with your help!
Thanks for your support!
Since we last posted here there have been so many developments. There was a change of Minister of Public Safety in Canada, Bill C-31 which introduced changes in the immigration law passed, a delegate from the minister of immigration made a non-sense decision, CBSA tried to enforce the deportation order, a sanctuary claim was made at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church, the federal court decided to grant leave for the judicial review, also the federal court granted an emergency stay of the deportation motion, immigration failed to comply with an order from the federal court and delayed the process of the judicial review, we filed an application to the minister of public safety for a certificate stating that Jose's name is not in the list of entities, so many events!! Finally the federal court has given dates for the judicial review and a mandamus writ on May 26 and July 2nd respectively.
Last Friday we successfully raised a little over $1200.00 for the continuance of the We are Jose Campaign and to be able to afford the payment of lawyers....
Despite the fact that we are still struggling. We are satisfied that things are moving forward at our end. On May 26th we will have another opportunity to get us closer to solution with the different legal venues that still are available. We need your help to spread the word. Please visit our web site www.wearejose.org . There are many ways you can be part of this struggle for justice. A couple of days ago, the following fund raising site went live. (click here) and it will be great if we could count with your help!
Thanks for your support!