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Welcome to the Figueroa's immigration ordeal!!!

Canada has been known for many years for its tradition to offer protection to people who have been forced to seek protection against persecution and danger in their homeland! The Figueroa Family is being affected by the immigration laws that have been adopted, by Section 34.1 of the I.R.P.A. to be specific.

This blog has been created with the objective to become a link among the community who still believe in Canada's Tradition and search for alternatives that would allow to make a difference for the defense of individual rights!

We thank you before hand for your opinion and suggestions so that a solution is found!

In behalf of the Figueroa Family and many others whose rights are being affected ... Thanks for your Support!

We are Jose!

Canadians should no be forced to leave!!

Visit http://www.wearejose.com/

send letters of support to wearejose@gmail.com

"Injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere...!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


            Hi friends!    It has been a long time since this blog was up dated last.   That doesn't mean that the struggle has finished.  No,  we were busy trying to use other means to inform the community.   We are back, now!

          Since we last posted here there have been so many developments.  There was a change of Minister of Public Safety in Canada,  Bill C-31 which introduced changes in the immigration law passed,  a delegate from the minister of immigration made a non-sense decision,  CBSA tried to enforce the deportation order,  a sanctuary claim was made at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church, the federal court decided to grant leave for the judicial review,  also the federal court granted an emergency stay of the deportation motion,  immigration failed to comply with an order from the federal court and delayed the process of the judicial review,   we filed an application to the minister of public safety for a certificate stating that Jose's name is not in the list of entities,  so many events!!  Finally  the federal court has given dates for the judicial review and a mandamus writ  on May 26 and July 2nd respectively.

     Last Friday we successfully raised a little over $1200.00  for the continuance of the We are Jose Campaign and to be able to afford the payment of lawyers....

      Despite the fact that we are still struggling. We are satisfied that things are moving forward at our end.  On May 26th we will have another opportunity to get us closer to  solution with the different legal venues that still are available.  We need your help to spread the word.   Please visit our web site www.wearejose.org .  There are many ways you can be part of this struggle for justice.   A couple of days ago, the following fund raising site went live.   (click here)  and it will be great if we could count with your help!

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deportation is not Entertainment/ Kwantlen Polytechnic/ April 8 2013

Deportation is not Entertainment

Welcome to Jose Figueroa immigration ordeal.   The following is a the full version video of the event Deportation is not Entertainment.    The topics discussed during this forum were:   CBSA raids in Vancouver  by Micheal Vonn from BCCLA;   The wrongly designation of terrorism as bases for deportation  by Jose Figueroa from We are Jose;   and about the Security Certificates by Mike Larsen, a criminologist from Kwantlen.

Please, don't hesitate to leave your comments or visit our FB page at www.wearejose.com.  We will gladly provide you with a response to your questions.

Broadcasting live with Ustream

"The law is like a snake, it bites just the barefooted...!"  

                                                                Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Todos podemos hacer una aplicacion por un certificado del Ministro/ We all can apply for a certificate from the Minister.

En la actualidad oficiales de la agencia de servicios fronterizos de Canada tienen demasiada discresion para determinar quien es referido a procesos de admisibilidad y quienes no.   Muchas veces las referencias estan basadas en informacion viciada provista por los gobiernos dictatoriales mismos,  en situaciones en que inmigrantes provienen de paises donde se dan luchas de los pueblos.

La seccion 83.07  del Codigo Criminal de Canada permite que personas, grupos, asociaciones u organizaciones que dicen no estar en la lista de entidades, puedan aplicar al ministro de seguridad publica de Canada por un certificado en que conste que el aplicante no se encuentra en la lista.

Dado que en muchos casos la alegacion presentada por oficiales del CBSA (Agencia de Servicios Fronterizos de Canada) estan basados en la seccion 34.1 de la Ley de Inmigracion en la que se alega membresia con una organizacion terrorista.     Entonces es indispensable que inmigrantes protejan sus derechos haciendo una aplicacion al ministro por el Certificado.

Unete a esta campaña por los derechos humanos de inmigrantes y refugiados... 

Visita www.wearejose.com

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let's Make an 83.07 for Human Rights/ Hagamos una 83.07 por los Derechos Humanos.

 Right now we are working hard to get an application based on section 83.07 ready to be filed to the Minister of Public Safety.

 Al presentar una aplicacion basada en la section 83.07.  Ustedes estan ayudando no solo a uno sino que tambien a miles de inmigrantes en Canada...    Esten pendientes de mas informacion!

   Cualquier persona que clame no estar en la lista de entidades de Canada,  puede aplicar al ministro de Seguridad Publica de Canada por un certificado en el cual conste que el aplicante no es una entidad listada.

Esten pendientes por mas informacion..

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vancouver National Day of Action in solidarity with We are Jose

January 16th marked the 2nd Anniversary of We are Jose!

Support events were held in different parts in Canada.

Vancouver, Langley, Toronto, Ottawa including other countries such as New Zealand.

We thank the community for all the support and solidarity to our Campaign.

El 16 de Enero  marcó el 2do Aniversario de la Campaña We are Jose!

Hubieron actividades de apoyo en diferentes partes de Canada.

Vancouver, Langley, Toronto, Ottawa  incluyendo otros paises tales como Nueva Zelanda.

Agradecemos a la comunidad por todo su apoyo y solidaridad a nuestra lucha.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 16th Second Anniversary of We are Jose

(Click the Log for a Video)

January 16th 2013                                                 

Second Anniversary of We are Jose                     

Join as on an International Day of Action           

in Solidarity with We are Jose.                              

These are some events you could attend:              

Vancouver:  300 West Georgia  in front of             

CIC on the corner of Hamilton and Georgia         

Time:  2:00 pm.                                                    

Langley:  Solidarity Vigil  in front of the             

the Langley MP office.                                          

104-4769 222nd Street, Langley BC                     

Time:  3:00  pm                                                     

Toronto:   Community Vigil in Solidarity             

San Lorenzo Anglican Parish.                              

 Time:  7:00 pm                                                      

2981Dufferin Street,  Toronto.                               

Ottawa We are Jose event                                     

At UMI Cafe                                                         

610 Summerset W, Ottawa                                    

Time: 7:00 pm                                                       

All of these events are happening on                    

January 16th 2013                                                  

We invite you to have family vigils                      

and reflect on the many issues that                       

affect immigrants and refugees.                            

                         We are Jose

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day of Action for Refugee Health

Today start to take full effect the reforms to the immigration law in Canada, commonly known as Bill C-31.   Those reforms affect directly basic human rights of immigrants and refugees and it is necessary that we all be aware of how.  

The Canadian Chapter of Rights in section 15.1  reads:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

It recognizes that every individual is equal before and under the law...  therefore everyone including immigrants and refugees  are entitle to the same rights.   The so called Bill C-31  denies constitutional rights to immigrants and at the same time puts the lives of many people in danger...   It denies them the right of appeal decisions from immigration tribunals...

We invite you to learn more about this and other issues... 

Let us share with you the next article about the Day of Action for Refugee Health.

Thanks for your continues support in our struggle for justice...  please visti www.wearejose.com to learn more of our immigration ordeal...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pastor Karl Keller did a great job!

In January 2010,  we learned details of the report that a CBSA officer had made  to the Minister of Public Safety, which initiated a process called Admissibility Hearing.    The CBSA officer reported that according to section 34.1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act  Jose Figueroa is inadmissible into Canada because he was a member of FMLN.    It is baffling to learn that there are immigrations proceedings which categorize the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front from El Salvador as a terrorist organization.    The FMLN is now the Salvadorean government and the Canadian government recognizes it as a democratically elected government, and that is precisely what doesn't fit with the allegations that are sustained by the Minister of Public Safety,  even when FMLN is not in the list of entities which the Minister of Public Safety is responsible for making recommendations to the Governor in Council to include or remove from the list (According to Section 83.05 of the Criminal Code of Canada)

Since Legal Aid wouldn't cover cases of inadmissibility. Pastor Karl Keller from Walnut Grove Lutheran Church represented Jose Figueroa during the hearing that took place April 14th, April 29 and May 5th 2010.   We would like to thank the wonderful job that he did advocating for the family...  It is the strong arguments that were presented during the hearing that is allowing us to keep fighting to keep the family in Canada.  It is also this job done by pastor Karl Keller that also allow us to keep searching for justice for immigrants...

This is a message from the "We are Jose" Team.

Continua en Español.

En Enero del 2010, supimos detalles del reporte que un oficial de la Agencia de Servicios Fronterizos de Canada (CBSA) habia hecho al ministro de seguridad publica, el cual dió inicio a un proceso llamado Audiencia de Admisibilidad.   El agente del CBSA reportó que de acuerdo con la seccion 34.1 de la Ley de Inmigracion y refugio de Canada Jose Figueroa es inadmisible en Canada por haber sido miembro del FMLN.   Es precisamente la alegacion la que nos causa sorpresas ya que el FMLN es el gobierno actual de El Salvador el cual el gobierno Canadiense lo reconoce como un gobierno democraticamente electo.  ¿Cómo es posible que el Ministro de Seguridad Public de Canada tenga esta opinion?  Debemos compartir con Ustedes que el FMLN no se encuentra en la lista de entidades que el ministro de seguridad publica mismo es reponsable de mantener al dia y hacer las recomendaciones para la incluir o remover de la lista. (en concordancia con la 83.05 del Codigo Criminal de Canada)

Ya que ayuda legal en Canada no cubre casos de inadmisibilidad (de acuerdo con la opinion de un abogado). Pastor Karl Keller de la Iglesia Luterana de Walnut Grove representó a Jose Figueroa durante la audiencia que tuvo lugar los dias:  14, 19 de Abril y 5 de Mayo del 2010.   Queremos agradecer al pastor por el buen trabajo realizado al representar a la familia.   Este esfuerzo es el que nos permite continuar en la busqueda justicia para los inmigrantes en Canada.

Este es un mensaje del Equipo We are Jose

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Thanks Jon!

This is a beautiful song!

Gracias Jon.

Esta es una hermosa canción!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Thanks to our friends in New Zealand for your Solidarity!

Click Here for link.

Gracias a nuestros amigos en Nueva Zelanda por su Solidaridad!

Presiones la foto para mas informacion.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

59 Cents Campaign!

What can I say!   I simply love this campaign.   My 59 Cents are on its way now!!

Hopefully we are not just financing more injustices for immigrants and refugees!

Friday, June 1, 2012

May 30 SFU Bill C-31 Panel - Peter W. Klein hosts

We thank the organizers of this event who are contributing educating the community about the implications of Bill C-31 to the most vulnerable: Immigrants and Refugees.

We are looking forward for future events!

Nos gustaria agradecer a los organizadores de este evento, quienes estan contribuyendo a educar a la comunidad sobre las implicaciones de la Ley C-31 para los mas vulnerables:  Inmigrantes y Refugiados...

Estaremos en espera de otros eventos!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ruby's own song!.m4v

Ruby Figueroa is a Canadian girl who would is being affected by the wrongful deportation order that has been given to the Family.    She was born in Langley, BC and as a Canadian has rights, also as a child she has rights that are contained in the International Convention of the Rights of the Children.   Those rights are  not being observed by the decision makers who are in charge of applying the immigration law in Canada.

You can be part of the effort of the Figueroa Family to up hold not only the rights of Canadian Children; but also the rights of many immigrants that are being affected by the immigration law...

Visit www.wearejose.com  click  I like the We are Jose official Facebook page.  

Write letters to the decision makers to make a decision on this case, everyday that passes by without a decision the rights of a family are being violated...

You can also help us with contributions so that we are able to afford launching some legal  actions that are available..

Thanks for your support....

Ruby Figueroa es una niña Canadiense quien esta siendo afectada por una orden de deportación errónea en todos los sentidos que ha sido dada contra la familia.    Ella nació en la ciudad de Langley, Colombia Britanica y como canadiense tiene derechos, ademas tiene derechos contenidos en el convenio internacional de los derechos de la niñez.   Esos derechos no están siendo observados por quienes tienen poder de decisión y están a cargo de aplicar la ley de inmigración de Canada.

Ustedes pueden ser parte del esfuerzo de la familia Figueroa por defender los derechos no solo de niños Canadienses sino también los derechos de muchos otros inmigrantes quienes están siendo afectados por las leyes de inmigración.

Visiten www.wearejose.com y haganle click a me gusta la pagina oficial de face book de We are Jose..

Escribanle cartas a quienes pueden decidir en este caso.    Cada día que pasa sin una decisión se están violando los derechos humanos de la familia...

También pueden contribuir para que seamos capaces de lanzar acciones de carácter legal que están disponibles...

Gracias por su apoyo..

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Vigilia trailer.m4v

Click the picture to watch the video.

On May 15th we recorded this video which we would like to share with the community as a big thanks for the solidarity for all this time of struggle...

El 15 de Mayo grabamos este video que nos gustaria compartir con la comunidad como muestra de agradecimiento por la solidaridad recibida durante todo este tiempo de lucha...

Gracias!   Thanks!

Vigilia trailer.m4v


El 15 de Mayo  grabamos este video de la vigila familiar!  

Queremos compartir este video como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento por toda la solidaridad y hermandad recibida...

On May 15th, we recorded this video of a family vigil!

We would like to share this video as a thanks for the solidarity and fraternity we have been recipients for...

 Thanks!   Gracias!