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Welcome to the Figueroa's immigration ordeal!!!

Canada has been known for many years for its tradition to offer protection to people who have been forced to seek protection against persecution and danger in their homeland! The Figueroa Family is being affected by the immigration laws that have been adopted, by Section 34.1 of the I.R.P.A. to be specific.

This blog has been created with the objective to become a link among the community who still believe in Canada's Tradition and search for alternatives that would allow to make a difference for the defense of individual rights!

We thank you before hand for your opinion and suggestions so that a solution is found!

In behalf of the Figueroa Family and many others whose rights are being affected ... Thanks for your Support!

We are Jose!

Canadians should no be forced to leave!!

Visit http://www.wearejose.com/

send letters of support to wearejose@gmail.com

"Injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere...!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Chronology of Events since 1997/ Chronologia de Eventos.

No podemos creer que ya ha pasado más de un año desde que la División de Inmigración redactó la orden de deportación que ha estado afectando a nuestra familia, y sobretodo cuando han pasado casi dos años desde que escuchamos por primera vez la alegación que por muchos años Inmigración ha estado utilizando como argumento para deportar a Salvadoreños, quienes cándidamente creimos que con la firma de los acuerdos de Paz, la vision internacional sobre el Conflicto Salvadoreño estaria acorde con el nuevo marco politico que dibujaba el Acuerdo de Paz de Chapultepec....

La guerra psicologica impulsada por parte de los Gobiernos en turno y por los Estados Unidos tuvo impacto no solo en muchos Salvadoreños quienes ciegamente aceptaban los mensajes de los medios, sino que tambien tuvo su impacto en individuos en otras naciones... Esa guerra psicologica se sigue manifestando hoy despues casi 20 años de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz...

Creo que los Salvadoreños hemos crecimos mucho politica, moral y espiritualmente con la guia que en su epoca representó Monseñor Romero y cuya voz continua viva en muchos Salvadoreños.

Los años del conflicto dejaron además del dolor y luto, una capacidad organizativa, y de analisis que le permitió a nuestro pueblo identificar hacia donde debia esforzarse para poder impulsar el fin del conflicto... En el Pueblo existe mucha sabiduria y creo que el pueblo la sabra utilizarla.

En este video que presentamos hay una descripción de algunos de los eventos principales que se han presentado en el caso de deportación, esperamos que Uds como espectadores distantes puedan observar algunos detalles que pudiesen escapar de nuestra consideración. En nombre de la Familia Figueroa, les estamos muy agradecidos por su solidaridad en este problema que puede afectar a muchos otras personas...

Visite tambien www.wearejose.com.

We can not believe it's been over a year since the Immigration Division drafted the deportation order that has been affecting our family, and especially when it has been almost two years since I first heard the argument, that for many years Immigration has been using as argument to deport Salvadorans. we thought that with the signing of the Peace Agreements, the international scope on the Salvadoran conflict WOULD had lined up with the new political framework that was drawn with the Chapultepec Peace Agreement ....

The psychological war driven by the governments in turn and by the United States had an impact not only in many Salvadorans who blindly accepted messages from the media, but also had its impact on individuals in other nations ... This psychological warfare is still evident today after almost 20 years since the civil war was over....

I think that Salvadorian have grown politically, morally and spiritually specially with the guide that, in his time represented Archbishop Oscar Romero whose voice continues very much alive in many Salvadoreans.

The y
ears of conflict left in addition to pain and grief, a great deal organizational and analysis capacity, which was precisely that allowed our people to identify which way we should be pulling in order to promote the end of the conflict... There is much wisdom in our people and I think that they know how to use it...

In this video there is a description of some of the major events that have occurred in the deportation case given since 1997, we hope that you as distant spectators would be able see some details that might escape our attention. On behalf of the Figueroa family, we are very grateful for your solidarity on this matter that could affect many others ...

Also look for www.wearejose.com

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