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Welcome to the Figueroa's immigration ordeal!!!

Canada has been known for many years for its tradition to offer protection to people who have been forced to seek protection against persecution and danger in their homeland! The Figueroa Family is being affected by the immigration laws that have been adopted, by Section 34.1 of the I.R.P.A. to be specific.

This blog has been created with the objective to become a link among the community who still believe in Canada's Tradition and search for alternatives that would allow to make a difference for the defense of individual rights!

We thank you before hand for your opinion and suggestions so that a solution is found!

In behalf of the Figueroa Family and many others whose rights are being affected ... Thanks for your Support!

We are Jose!

Canadians should no be forced to leave!!

Visit http://www.wearejose.com/

send letters of support to wearejose@gmail.com

"Injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere...!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rufina Amaya sobrevivió La Masacre del Mozote / Rufina Amaya was a survivor of El Mozote Massacre.

Rufina Amaya sobreviente de una de las peores Masacres cometidas por un batallón del EjercitoSalvadoreño entrenado en los Estados Unidos, la Masacre de El Mozote. Rufina Amaya falleció en Marzodel 2007.
Muchos gobiernos conocen de la historia de nuestro pueblo. El gobierno de Estados Unidos mucho más quecualquier otro ya que ellos tambien fueron responsables de lo que alla aconteció.

Durante la Administración Reagan por ejemplo fueron entrenados batallones responsables de masacres comomasacre de El Mozote. El Gobierno de Estados Unidos financió la guerra con un promedio de $1.5 millones diarios... la

No es lógico que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos aun sabiendo de la existencia de Escuadrones de la Muerte dentro de estruturas del ejercito salvadoreño persistiera en seguir financiando la Guerra en El Salvador.... Es evidente que los intereses politicos pesaron mucho más que la defensa de los derechoshumanos en nuestro pais...

La firma de los Acuerdo de Paz de Chapultepec Mexico generó un nuevo marco politico en El Salvador, y en la actualidad incluso el Gobierno de Estados Unidos reconoce al Gobierno de FMLN como un gobiernodemocraticamente electo, sin embargo, el ministro de Seguridad Publica de Canada llevando a cabo procesos de Admisibilidad contra miembros o simpatizantes del FMLN! Este es un hecho que requiere la atención de la comunidad... En este bloque encontrara mucho más información al respecto.


Rufina Amaya survived one of the bloodiest massacres committed by a US trained Salvadoran Army Battallion the Massacre of El Mozote.  Rufina Amaya passed away in March 2007!

Many Governments know history of El Salvador. The government of the USA more than any other since they were in part responsible for what happened there! For instance during the Reagan Administration many battallions were trained, like the one responsible for El Mozote Massacre. The US government provided $1.5 millions a day to finance the war.

It is not logic to think that the USA even though they knew that there were Death Squads within the Structures of the Army they continue financing the war. It is obvious that political interest had more weight than the respect of human rights in El Salvador.

The Peace Agreement of Chapultepec created a new political frame for El Salvador and nowadays, even the US government recognizes the FMLN government as democratically elected. However, the Minister of Public Safety of Canada is calling for Admissibility Hearings to members or supporters of FMLN! This is a fact that requires the attention of the community. You will find more information regarding this in this blog!


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