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Welcome to the Figueroa's immigration ordeal!!!

Canada has been known for many years for its tradition to offer protection to people who have been forced to seek protection against persecution and danger in their homeland! The Figueroa Family is being affected by the immigration laws that have been adopted, by Section 34.1 of the I.R.P.A. to be specific.

This blog has been created with the objective to become a link among the community who still believe in Canada's Tradition and search for alternatives that would allow to make a difference for the defense of individual rights!

We thank you before hand for your opinion and suggestions so that a solution is found!

In behalf of the Figueroa Family and many others whose rights are being affected ... Thanks for your Support!

We are Jose!

Canadians should no be forced to leave!!

Visit http://www.wearejose.com/

send letters of support to wearejose@gmail.com

"Injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere...!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Entrevista con Adam Bemma en Montreal/ Interview by Adam Bemma in Montreal

Este video es una copia de entrevista hecha por Adam Bemma , en Montreal en el contexto de la gira "Somos Jose" que se inició el 18 de Marzo con el proposito de crear conciencia sobre la problematica que la seccion 34.1 de la ley de Inmigracion ha causado a la Familia... y el potencial que muchas otras familias sean afectadas por dicha Ley... Finalmente y con mucho sacrificios y limitantes estamos haciendo traducción de mucho material con el proposito de mantener informada a la comunidad inmigrante que no comprende ingles...
Ayudanos a Romper la barrerra del Lenguaje...

"Todos Somos Jose"


This video is an interview done by Adam Bemma, in Montreal during the We are Jose Tour across Canada, that started on March 18th. The objective of the Tour was to raise awareness on the problems generated by Section 34.1 of the IRPA to the Family... and the possibility that other families may be also affected....

Finally and with so much effort we were able to translate this so that we could reach the immigrant community who doesn't speak English...

Help us break the barrier of language...

We are Jose.

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