In January 2010, we learned details of the report that a CBSA officer had made to the Minister of Public Safety, which initiated a process called Admissibility Hearing. The CBSA officer reported that according to section 34.1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Jose Figueroa is inadmissible into Canada because he was a member of FMLN. It is baffling to learn that there are immigrations proceedings which categorize the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front from El Salvador as a terrorist organization. The FMLN is now the Salvadorean government and the Canadian government recognizes it as a democratically elected government, and that is precisely what doesn't fit with the allegations that are sustained by the Minister of Public Safety, even when FMLN is not in the list of entities which the Minister of Public Safety is responsible for making recommendations to the Governor in Council to include or remove from the list (According to Section 83.05 of the Criminal Code of Canada)
Since Legal Aid wouldn't cover cases of inadmissibility. Pastor Karl Keller from Walnut Grove Lutheran Church represented Jose Figueroa during the hearing that took place April 14th, April 29 and May 5th 2010. We would like to thank the wonderful job that he did advocating for the family... It is the strong arguments that were presented during the hearing that is allowing us to keep fighting to keep the family in Canada. It is also this job done by pastor Karl Keller that also allow us to keep searching for justice for immigrants...
This is a message from the "We are Jose" Team.
Continua en Español.
En Enero del 2010, supimos detalles del reporte que un oficial de la Agencia de Servicios Fronterizos de Canada (CBSA) habia hecho al ministro de seguridad publica, el cual dió inicio a un proceso llamado Audiencia de Admisibilidad. El agente del CBSA reportó que de acuerdo con la seccion 34.1 de la Ley de Inmigracion y refugio de Canada Jose Figueroa es inadmisible en Canada por haber sido miembro del FMLN. Es precisamente la alegacion la que nos causa sorpresas ya que el FMLN es el gobierno actual de El Salvador el cual el gobierno Canadiense lo reconoce como un gobierno democraticamente electo. ¿Cómo es posible que el Ministro de Seguridad Public de Canada tenga esta opinion? Debemos compartir con Ustedes que el FMLN no se encuentra en la lista de entidades que el ministro de seguridad publica mismo es reponsable de mantener al dia y hacer las recomendaciones para la incluir o remover de la lista. (en concordancia con la 83.05 del Codigo Criminal de Canada)
Ya que ayuda legal en Canada no cubre casos de inadmisibilidad (de acuerdo con la opinion de un abogado). Pastor Karl Keller de la Iglesia Luterana de Walnut Grove representó a Jose Figueroa durante la audiencia que tuvo lugar los dias: 14, 19 de Abril y 5 de Mayo del 2010. Queremos agradecer al pastor por el buen trabajo realizado al representar a la familia. Este esfuerzo es el que nos permite continuar en la busqueda justicia para los inmigrantes en Canada.
Este es un mensaje del Equipo We are Jose
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